Home > References
ASPHALT Calculator
BGA Calculator
Savings Stimulation If Using BGA
LGA Calculator
Savings Stimulation If Using LGA
Peraturan Menteri PU No.35/PRT/M/2006 tentang Peningkatan Pemanfaatan ASPAL BUTON Untuk Pemeliharaan Dan Pembangunan Jalan
Usage of Asphalt Buton at dirjen binamarga environment on year 2016
Usage optimalisation of Asphalt Buton on year 2015
Pertamina Asphalt Brochure
Asphalt Sack Brochure
Asphalt Sack Lab result
Buton Granular Asphalt (BGA)
BGA Brochure
BGA Lab Result
Material Safety Data Sheet
Lawele Granular Asphalt (LGA)
LGA Brochure
Special interim specification of Hotmix Asphalt using Asbuton Lawele by Departement of Public works
Coldmix Asphalt
Coldmix Brochure



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PT. Summitama Intinusa - Pertamina Asphalt autorized distributor and Asphalt Additive producer